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Fabric Care Tip

2022 Dec 21st

 Here are some tips for taking care of fabrics: Read the care label: Each fabric has specific care instructions, so it's important to read and follow the care label before washing or drying your clothes. Sort your laundry: Sort your laundry by fabric type and color to prevent bleeding and fading. For example, wash whites and light-colored clothes separately from dark-colored clothes. Choose the right water temperature: Different fabrics require different water temperatures for washing. For example, wool and delicate fabrics should be washed in cold water, while cotton and linen can be washed in warm or hot water. Use the right detergent: Choose a detergent that is appropriate for the type of fabric you are washing. For example, use a gentle detergent for delicates and a heavy-duty detergent for heavily soiled clothes. Don't overstuff the washing machine: Overstuffing the washing machine can prevent clothes from getting clean and can cause them to wear out more quickly. Dry clothes properly: Dry clothes according to the care label instructions. Some clothes should be tumble dried, while others should be hung to dry. Avoid over-drying clothes, as this can cause them to shrink or become stiff. Store clothes properly: Proper storage can help extend the life of your clothes. Avoid hanging heavy items, such as jackets and jeans, on thin hangers. Instead, use sturdy hangers to support the weight of the clothes. Also, fold lighter items, such as t-shirts and sweaters, to help them maintain their shape. By following these tips, you can help keep your fabrics looking fresh and new for longer.